Minerals Labs
In this lab I learn how to identify minerals using their properties. Minerals has different characteristics.
Luster: It determines whether a mineral is Metallic or Non-Metallic .
Hardness: It shows the density of the mineral, which means if it's hard or soft.
Cleavage: When minerals break evenly.
Fracture: When minerals break unevenly.
Composition: Materials that are inside of a mineral.
What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I enjoy taking picture of the minerals and the materials. I also enjoy making video in Animoto, it was fun and I didn't have to write a lot.
What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging thing was putting the picture at the right spot and also fitting the words. It was difficult because I couldn't fit all the words that I wanted.
What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I learn how to identify minerals using their properties and I also learn more about animoto. Now I can upload picture and video faster.
Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work?
I could have done my video on Imovie , it would have been more understanble. I could use as many words as I wanted and people could understand the project better.
IHSL Loudmia Mesilas
Friday, May 11, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
"Let it shake"
Lithosphere Layer
Activities: Brainpop videos
Topic: Earth's internal Structure
Earth's internal structure has three different layers. The crust, the mantle and the core. The crust is located at the top of the layer and there's two types of crust. The continental crust is the part we live on and the oceanic crust is the land underneath the ocean. The mantle is the second layer located between the crust and the core and has two parts. The upper mantle which is soft, liquid and plastic and the lower mantle which is very hot and solid. The core is located in the center of earth.There's the inner core which is solid and it's made of iron and nickel. There's also the outer core which is only liquid and it's also made of iron and nickel.
Topic: Mountains
Mountains are different types of landforms and they are formed when plates converged. There are many different types of mountains. Folded, dome, fault Block, horst and grabens.
Activities: Model
Topic: Continental Drift
Continental Drift is the theory about earth 200 millions years ago and it states that all lands and continents were all combined. They were known as pangea. They got seperated and the evidences of this theory are Puzzle, Fossils, Rock Record, & Mountains Ranges. The one who thougth of this theory was Alfred wegener.
Athenosphere Layer
Activities: Foldables & Mini-Quiz
Topic: Volcanoes
Volcanoes are opening in earth that erupts gases, ash and lava. They are formed at plate boundaries and over hot spots. In volcanoes there's lava and magma. Lava is melted rock that is erupted out of volcano and magma is melted rock that is erupted inside of volcano. There are three types of volcanic mountains. Shield which is made of dried hardened lava. Cinder Cone which is made up of rock, particles, dust and ash. Composite which is made up different layers, lava and rock particles. Hot spots are part of the mantle that is really hot and they create islands.
Topic: Faults
Faults occur when earth breaks and part of it moves. There are three types of faults. Normal faults which is when one part goes down when earth breaks. Strike-Slip which is when each part slide each other horizontally and Reverse faults which is when land moves up when earth breaks.
Activities: Demonstration LAb
Topic: Convention Currents
Activities: Song/Rap
Topic: Earthquake
Earthquake are caused by movements of faults. Earthquake happens in plate boundaries, when plates move apart from each other. The movement of faults caused pressure inside of rock and it begins to break. When it breaks it creates seismic waves. There are three types of waves.The P-wave is very fast. The S-wave moves horizontally. The L-wave is very dangerous. They used seismograph to measure earthquake. Earthquake happens on the epicenter and the focus is the place where all the pressure are built up.
Mantle Layer
Activities: Narrative Video
Topic: Earthquake
Critical Thinking Questions
Do you agree with the theory of plate Tectonics? Why or Why not
I agree with the theory of plate Tectonics because there are evidences. I also studied the Geolic events of earth's history and I learned about all different changes that occured on earth.
1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I enjoyed learning about all those different topics and I also enjoyed writting and recording my own song.
2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging thing was creating a model. I struggled a lot before I came up with a brilliant idea.
3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I learned to use Imovie and I improved on video editing. I also learned to be creative.
4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? explain.
I wish I had finish the song earlier so I could make the video more creative. I wasted so many time on recording the song and I didn't even have time to get tested on my other project. I wanted to get tested on all the layers.
Activities: Brainpop videos
Topic: Earth's internal Structure
Earth's internal structure has three different layers. The crust, the mantle and the core. The crust is located at the top of the layer and there's two types of crust. The continental crust is the part we live on and the oceanic crust is the land underneath the ocean. The mantle is the second layer located between the crust and the core and has two parts. The upper mantle which is soft, liquid and plastic and the lower mantle which is very hot and solid. The core is located in the center of earth.There's the inner core which is solid and it's made of iron and nickel. There's also the outer core which is only liquid and it's also made of iron and nickel.
Topic: Mountains
Mountains are different types of landforms and they are formed when plates converged. There are many different types of mountains. Folded, dome, fault Block, horst and grabens.
Activities: Model
Topic: Continental Drift
Continental Drift is the theory about earth 200 millions years ago and it states that all lands and continents were all combined. They were known as pangea. They got seperated and the evidences of this theory are Puzzle, Fossils, Rock Record, & Mountains Ranges. The one who thougth of this theory was Alfred wegener.
Athenosphere Layer
Activities: Foldables & Mini-Quiz
Topic: Volcanoes
Volcanoes are opening in earth that erupts gases, ash and lava. They are formed at plate boundaries and over hot spots. In volcanoes there's lava and magma. Lava is melted rock that is erupted out of volcano and magma is melted rock that is erupted inside of volcano. There are three types of volcanic mountains. Shield which is made of dried hardened lava. Cinder Cone which is made up of rock, particles, dust and ash. Composite which is made up different layers, lava and rock particles. Hot spots are part of the mantle that is really hot and they create islands.
Topic: Faults
Faults occur when earth breaks and part of it moves. There are three types of faults. Normal faults which is when one part goes down when earth breaks. Strike-Slip which is when each part slide each other horizontally and Reverse faults which is when land moves up when earth breaks.
Activities: Demonstration LAb
Topic: Convention Currents
Activities: Song/Rap
Topic: Earthquake
Earthquake are caused by movements of faults. Earthquake happens in plate boundaries, when plates move apart from each other. The movement of faults caused pressure inside of rock and it begins to break. When it breaks it creates seismic waves. There are three types of waves.The P-wave is very fast. The S-wave moves horizontally. The L-wave is very dangerous. They used seismograph to measure earthquake. Earthquake happens on the epicenter and the focus is the place where all the pressure are built up.
Mantle Layer
Activities: Narrative Video
Topic: Earthquake
Critical Thinking Questions
Do you agree with the theory of plate Tectonics? Why or Why not
I agree with the theory of plate Tectonics because there are evidences. I also studied the Geolic events of earth's history and I learned about all different changes that occured on earth.
1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I enjoyed learning about all those different topics and I also enjoyed writting and recording my own song.
2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging thing was creating a model. I struggled a lot before I came up with a brilliant idea.
3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I learned to use Imovie and I improved on video editing. I also learned to be creative.
4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? explain.
I wish I had finish the song earlier so I could make the video more creative. I wasted so many time on recording the song and I didn't even have time to get tested on my other project. I wanted to get tested on all the layers.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Phases of the Moon
Lunar phases: Les phases de la lune
The appearance of the moon. It shows the moon's visibility.
Moon's light: La lumiere de la luneThe moon gets its light from the sun.
Lunar Revolution: Lunaire révolution
The path it takes moon to revolve around earth. It takes the moon 29.5 days to revolve around earth one complete time.
Waxing: Epilation à la Cire
The moon is getting bigger on the right.
Waning: Déclin
The moon is getting smaller on the left.
New Moon Nouvelle Lune
The moon is not visible. There's no moon.
Crescent Moon: Croissant Lunaire
Less than half of the moon is visible.
Half of the moon is visible.
Gibbous Moon: Lune gibbeuse
More than half of the moon is visible.
Full moon: Pleine Lune
All moon is visible.
Phases of the moon shows the visibility of the moon. The moon can be waxing and waning. Waxing means it's getting bigger on the right and waning means it's getting smaller on the left. There are 8 lunar phases. New moon, waxing crescent, quarter, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, last quarter and waning crescent.
How is earth affected by movement (revolution)?
Earth's movement causes seasons. We have 4 different seasons . Summer, fall, winter and spring. Depending on the types of sunlight that earth is receiving determine the different seasons. For example In the northern and southern Hemisphere, Earth receives both direct and indirect sunlight so they have all different seasons. In the equator the earth always receives direct sunlight and it 's always summer over there.
What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I enjoyed editing the video, it was extremely fun. I liked the whole editing process because I've learned basic information on video editing. Video editing was my favorite part of this project. I also enjoyed learning about massive movement of earth because it is always interesting to be informed about earth.
What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
Figuring out how to arrange the papers on the video was complicated. Even though we practiced doing it a lot in class, I felt like It wasted much of our time. Recording the video was challenging because we had to make sure that everything was well organized and set to record the video.
What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I learned how to edit video and I also learned to be more devoted, collaborative and responsible while working in a group.
Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? explain.
What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
Figuring out how to arrange the papers on the video was complicated. Even though we practiced doing it a lot in class, I felt like It wasted much of our time. Recording the video was challenging because we had to make sure that everything was well organized and set to record the video.
What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I learned how to edit video and I also learned to be more devoted, collaborative and responsible while working in a group.
Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? explain.
I could have made the video more creative if I labeled each section of the video like the other students did. Since I wanted to do something unique so I tried to do my own thing and I still think it was a good idea . I like the outcome of my video. It was the first video I edited and I think I did a pretty good job.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Permian Period
Summary: Permian Period longing from 280 to 248 millions years. It is Known as "The Age Of Amphibians". During that time there were many reptiles, invertebrates and marine animals. They dominated the most. Permian Period ended causing earth's mass biggest extinction. Scientists all have aspects on how this happened. One of the major one is because a change occured during permian period and those organisms weren't able to adapt to their new evironment.
1. What did you enjoy most about this project?
I enjoyed researching for information about my topic because I've learned interesting fact about it. I also enjoyed looking at pictures of animals from other period because there were all fabulous to me.
2. What was most challenging about this project? Why?
I would probably say the most challenging about it was findind picture of organisms from the oldest period. Since it's really old , I think they didn't give enough picture. It took more than two days to find an accurate picture of organisms from permian period. I had to look carefully because some of organisms given were from jurassic period.
3. What would you change about this project and why?
I didn't like the idea of having to write references for every website used because it's very complicated. It took most of my time and it was rare to find all information in one specific website. I had to use many different websites in order to find more picture and information.
4. What are the three things that you learned from this project?
The main thing I learned was geologic events of earth's history. For example I learned that Devonian period was known as "The Age of fish" because there were many different fish and there were most abundant. I learned that many extinctions occured and also organisms evolved from those organism that have gotten extinct. I also learned that mountains and volcanoes began to form at certain period.
1. What did you enjoy most about this project?
I enjoyed researching for information about my topic because I've learned interesting fact about it. I also enjoyed looking at pictures of animals from other period because there were all fabulous to me.
2. What was most challenging about this project? Why?
I would probably say the most challenging about it was findind picture of organisms from the oldest period. Since it's really old , I think they didn't give enough picture. It took more than two days to find an accurate picture of organisms from permian period. I had to look carefully because some of organisms given were from jurassic period.
3. What would you change about this project and why?
I didn't like the idea of having to write references for every website used because it's very complicated. It took most of my time and it was rare to find all information in one specific website. I had to use many different websites in order to find more picture and information.
4. What are the three things that you learned from this project?
The main thing I learned was geologic events of earth's history. For example I learned that Devonian period was known as "The Age of fish" because there were many different fish and there were most abundant. I learned that many extinctions occured and also organisms evolved from those organism that have gotten extinct. I also learned that mountains and volcanoes began to form at certain period.
Monday, November 14, 2011
the stars
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Stars!!;) |
What is a star?
Stars are large balls of hot glowing gas, and they have various different sizes and colors. Stars can be orange, blue, red ,yellow and white. Some stars are bigger than the sun, which is also a star. Even though they look really small up in the sky, they are apparently really big. Stars are either bright or dim and they also either cold or hot.
Stars are large balls of hot glowing gas, and they have various different sizes and colors. Stars can be orange, blue, red ,yellow and white. Some stars are bigger than the sun, which is also a star. Even though they look really small up in the sky, they are apparently really big. Stars are either bright or dim and they also either cold or hot.
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Type of star |
Type of stars
They are four different types of stars:
They are four different types of stars:
1)Super Giants are middle ages, medium, large, orange, cold and bright stars. Super Giants' spectral class stars from A to M.
2)Giants are middle ages , small, medium, red, cold, bright and dim stars. Giants' spectral class starts from G to M.
3)Main Sequence are middle, medium, white, yellow, orange, hot, cold stars. Main sequence’s spectral class starts from O to M.
4)White Dwarfs
are old, hot, medium, blue and white stars. their spectral class stars from B to F.
H-R Diagram
Map Astronomers used to classify stars by their luminosity, name, size temperature , color, type and spectral class. It helps them distinguish stars in different categories.
Nuclear fusion
when a star change hydrogen gas molecule into helium molecule and creates energy. Stars make their energy from nuclear fusion.
when a star change hydrogen gas molecule into helium molecule and creates energy. Stars make their energy from nuclear fusion.
Life cycle of a star
first they were Stella Nebula, a big giant cloud of dust and gas. Gravity shrinks the clouds. it creates sun like stars, huge star and giant stars.from sun like stars , they became red giant, then planetary nebula( a cloud of gas and dust), later white Dwarf, it gets smaller and smaller and turn into black dwarf(a cold, dark object)
From Giant stars, it became red super giants, then supernova and finally black hole( when star collapse after an explosion)
from huge stars, it became red giants, then supernova( a giant explosion caused when stars burst) and last Neuron star( a small, dense object that spins very fast)
first they were Stella Nebula, a big giant cloud of dust and gas. Gravity shrinks the clouds. it creates sun like stars, huge star and giant stars.from sun like stars , they became red giant, then planetary nebula( a cloud of gas and dust), later white Dwarf, it gets smaller and smaller and turn into black dwarf(a cold, dark object)
From Giant stars, it became red super giants, then supernova and finally black hole( when star collapse after an explosion)
from huge stars, it became red giants, then supernova( a giant explosion caused when stars burst) and last Neuron star( a small, dense object that spins very fast)
Monday, October 17, 2011
Planet Mars
Planets Order: 4 from the sun.
Distance From The Sun: 227.9 kilometers
Mass: 6.4185×1023 kg
Distance From The Sun: 227.9 kilometers
Mass: 6.4185×1023 kg
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Mars |
Rotation: 1.026 days
# Of Moons: 2
Terrestrial Or Jovian: Terrestrial
Diameter : 227.9 million kilometer
Diameter : 227.9 million kilometer
Planet Description:
Mars is the fourth planet, it is somehow compare to earth. It has four seasons just like earth. However because of Martian year is about twice as long as earth's. It also has polar ice caps
Interesting Facts
Mars is called Red planet. Mars might have thick atmosphere, blue skies and abundant liquid water on it's surface. It is possible there's biotic factor ( living things) in Mars.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Critical Thinking
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Hurricane |
Hurricane occurs in summer time. During that time the ocean is extremely warm. Tropical cyclone often happen in the warmest part of the ocean. Tropical Cyclone is a strong wind that creates hurricane.
How can the timing of the tides (high or low) effect the devastation of hurricane?
Tides are the daily rise and fall of the ocean. If an hurricane happens while the tides' level is high, it will cause flooding. Which means a high amount of water will get out of the ocean and will stay immobile at one place.
If an area is fully saturated, will a hurricane have more or less impact on an area?
Eventually, if an area is fully saturated, hurricane will have more impact on this area. The main reason is because the water couldn't infiltrate deep into the ground, it was already wet. From the additional rain of the hurricane, there will be ground water and that certainly will result to a flood.
How does groundwater saturation affect rivers and streams?
Ground water saturation causes the rivers and streams' water level to increase. It also causes rivers to overflow.
What is something that you liked about this Mini-project?
I liked the fact that we got to study about natural disaster and especially hurricane. Last time when hurricane Irene happened, I was wondering how did it happen. Now I know the answer.
What was difficult for you on this project?
The most difficult thing for me was finding the right answer to certain questions.
What would you change about your work on this project?
I think it could have been better if each group presented their topic to the whole class. I would have had more time to ask questions.
How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
During this project I learned about the causes and effects of hurricane. There was a student who had studied all matters about hurricane with his/her group. He/she gave a short presentation about it. I also had a mini lesson about hurricane. It was taught by my teacher. I had to read a short paragraph about hurricane and answer some questions about it. All this contributed and helped me have a better understanding about hurricane Irene.
If an area is fully saturated, will a hurricane have more or less impact on an area?
Eventually, if an area is fully saturated, hurricane will have more impact on this area. The main reason is because the water couldn't infiltrate deep into the ground, it was already wet. From the additional rain of the hurricane, there will be ground water and that certainly will result to a flood.
How does groundwater saturation affect rivers and streams?
Ground water saturation causes the rivers and streams' water level to increase. It also causes rivers to overflow.
What is something that you liked about this Mini-project?
I liked the fact that we got to study about natural disaster and especially hurricane. Last time when hurricane Irene happened, I was wondering how did it happen. Now I know the answer.
What was difficult for you on this project?
The most difficult thing for me was finding the right answer to certain questions.
What would you change about your work on this project?
I think it could have been better if each group presented their topic to the whole class. I would have had more time to ask questions.
How did this project help you learn about Hurricane Irene?
During this project I learned about the causes and effects of hurricane. There was a student who had studied all matters about hurricane with his/her group. He/she gave a short presentation about it. I also had a mini lesson about hurricane. It was taught by my teacher. I had to read a short paragraph about hurricane and answer some questions about it. All this contributed and helped me have a better understanding about hurricane Irene.
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