Lithosphere Layer
Activities: Brainpop videos
Topic: Earth's internal Structure
Earth's internal structure has three different layers. The crust, the mantle and the core. The crust is located at the top of the layer and there's two types of crust. The continental crust is the part we live on and the oceanic crust is the land underneath the ocean. The mantle is the second layer located between the crust and the core and has two parts. The upper mantle which is soft, liquid and plastic and the lower mantle which is very hot and solid. The core is located in the center of earth.There's the inner core which is solid and it's made of iron and nickel. There's also the outer core which is only liquid and it's also made of iron and nickel.
Topic: Mountains
Mountains are different types of landforms and they are formed when plates converged. There are many different types of mountains. Folded, dome, fault Block, horst and grabens.
Activities: Model
Topic: Continental Drift
Continental Drift is the theory about earth 200 millions years ago and it states that all lands and continents were all combined. They were known as pangea. They got seperated and the evidences of this theory are Puzzle, Fossils, Rock Record, & Mountains Ranges. The one who thougth of this theory was Alfred wegener.
Athenosphere Layer
Activities: Foldables & Mini-Quiz
Topic: Volcanoes
Volcanoes are opening in earth that erupts gases, ash and lava. They are formed at plate boundaries and over hot spots. In volcanoes there's lava and magma. Lava is melted rock that is erupted out of volcano and magma is melted rock that is erupted inside of volcano. There are three types of volcanic mountains. Shield which is made of dried hardened lava. Cinder Cone which is made up of rock, particles, dust and ash. Composite which is made up different layers, lava and rock particles. Hot spots are part of the mantle that is really hot and they create islands.
Topic: Faults
Faults occur when earth breaks and part of it moves. There are three types of faults. Normal faults which is when one part goes down when earth breaks. Strike-Slip which is when each part slide each other horizontally and Reverse faults which is when land moves up when earth breaks.
Activities: Demonstration LAb
Topic: Convention Currents
Activities: Song/Rap
Topic: Earthquake
Earthquake are caused by movements of faults. Earthquake happens in plate boundaries, when plates move apart from each other. The movement of faults caused pressure inside of rock and it begins to break. When it breaks it creates seismic waves. There are three types of waves.The P-wave is very fast. The S-wave moves horizontally. The L-wave is very dangerous. They used seismograph to measure earthquake. Earthquake happens on the epicenter and the focus is the place where all the pressure are built up.
Mantle Layer
Activities: Narrative Video
Topic: Earthquake
Critical Thinking Questions
Do you agree with the theory of plate Tectonics? Why or Why not
I agree with the theory of plate Tectonics because there are evidences. I also studied the Geolic events of earth's history and I learned about all different changes that occured on earth.
1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
I enjoyed learning about all those different topics and I also enjoyed writting and recording my own song.
2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
The most challenging thing was creating a model. I struggled a lot before I came up with a brilliant idea.
3. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I learned to use Imovie and I improved on video editing. I also learned to be creative.
4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? explain.
I wish I had finish the song earlier so I could make the video more creative. I wasted so many time on recording the song and I didn't even have time to get tested on my other project. I wanted to get tested on all the layers.